2018-06-14 09:48:23 : null

PinkFeather Yazbeck ZombGG Luke S Ozmandius Prather
You are Diyu and you are dead. You have 60 Hit Points and 559 Experience Points. You have 7 Action Points remaining.

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You are inside Maiden Auto Repair. The doors to the street have been left wide open. Also here are PinkFeather (56HP), Yazbeck (56HP), ZombGG (56HP), Luke S (52HP) and Ozmandius Prather (56HP).

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running.

Somebody has spraypainted @ fr#sh coa# @f pai@t onto a wall. The graffiti has been obscured by smears of gore.

You bite PinkFeather for 4 damage. They drop to 56 HP. They become infected.

Possible actions:



As a zombie, you are unable to use the objects you are carrying.

(0 AP)