2016-09-23 12:37:09 :
Whittenside [84,90]

California Yeti
You are Liche and you are dead. You have ++ Hit Points and 107217 Experience Points. You have ++ Action Points
You feel drawn towards a block 2 blocks east and 2 north.

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You are inside Fort Perryn infirmary. Extra beds have been dragged over from the barracks, and the air carries the sting of cheap disinfectant. The building's doors have been left wide open. Also here is California Yeti+ (60HP).

Somebody has spraypainted W#lco%e to %ew *a*a#on*@! onto a wall. The graffiti has been obscured by smears of gore.

You fumble open a door and, leaving it ajar, enter the building.