2015-09-22 00:35:56 :
You are Rick Dulton and you are dead. You have ++ Hit Points and 25710 Experience Points. You have ++ Action Points
You feel drawn towards a block 4 blocks east and 5 south.

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You are inside a warehouse. A few dusty crates are stacked in the corners. The building has been completely ransacked, and has fallen into ruin. The wreckage is thick with dust. The doors to the street have been left wide open.

There is a powered-down radio transmitter here.

Somebody has spraypainted *#%%% com% %n, %*% %a#ed. onto a wall. The graffiti has been obscured by smears of gore.

Since your last turn:

  • A zombie destroyed the generator. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie ransacked the building. (2 days ago)
  • A zombie ruined the building. (2 days ago)
  • The lights came on inside Ephrem General Hospital. (yesterday)
  • Toadas revivified a zombie. (yesterday)
  • Jimmy Radd stood up. (yesterday)
  • A zombie said "Mah Brahrahrh! Grab harmanz! Nahm Brahnz! BARHAH!" (yesterday)
  • The lights went out in Ephrem General Hospital. (yesterday)
  • archwraith extracted a DNA sample from you. (yesterday) (Now 2 east.)
  • The lights came on inside Rolls Cinema. (22 hours and 42 minutes ago)
  • The lights went out in Rolls Cinema. (21 hours and 20 minutes ago)
  • Dr Othar shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (1 hour and 19 minutes ago) (Now 4 east, 5 south.)