Fri Sep 27 01:58:55 -0400 2013: report

sanpedro Posijam Aspire for more Abe the second Fred Fuchs
You are Damien Laplant. You have 53 Hit Points and 5343 Experience Points. You have 30 Action Points remaining.
Your safehouse is Uppill Library, 12 blocks east and 8 north.

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You are inside the Barber Building. The building has been heavily barricaded. Also here are sanpedro (60HP), Posijam (55HP), Aspire for more (44HP), Abe the second (59HP) and Fred Fuchs (60HP).

Since your last turn:

  • Surfcop healed you for 10 HP. (15 hours and 1 minute ago) ...and again.
  • Fred Fuchs said "oh look.. two people from dhpd." (7 hours and 55 minutes ago)
  • Abe the second said "DHPD...we of MRS have worked closely with your outfit in the past so I'll in form you that there is an in dividual who is PKing folks just north of here wearing your colors. Guy named Korax. He pked me just yesterday. We left him sleeping in a ruined club" (4 hours and 36 minutes ago)
  • Abe the second said "just NE of hear. Wasn't that Club Meaded, Fred? I logged the incident on your forum. Gonna give you fellows a bad name. He's even carrying a badge number in his profile." (4 hours and 34 minutes ago)
  • Abe the second said "Posi....great job on that NT! We couldn't hold it but y'all did a fantastic job of taking it. If we had know some stalwarts of the DHPD were at hand we could have mead a real battle of it." (4 hours and 32 minutes ago)
  • Fred Fuchs said "Korax / 116612 and it was club meade." (4 hours and 17 minutes ago)
  • Fred Fuchs said "at 7 , 36" (4 hours and 17 minutes ago)

Possible actions:


Inventory (click to use):

 on  (10AP)
 on  (10AP)

You are 70% encumbered.

(0 AP)