Wed Jul 31 21:17:03 -0400 2013:
Search the areaDump bodyExit the Giraffe House
Ketchelbank [44,32] (wiki, DSS)

John Blast elliottmess Little Marry Clive Atkins
1 zombie
Your safehouse is Clarkson Lane Fire Station, 10 blocks east and 34 south.

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You are inside the Giraffe House. There is no sign of its former inhabitants. A hole in the fencing has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are John Blast (60), elliottmess (60), Little Marry (60) and Clive Atkins (60).

Somebody has spraypainted Join the TMZ onto a wall.

There is a lone zombie here.

There is a dead body here. It's Mule of Kintyre.

Since your last turn:

  • Mazu said "Malton Zookeepers, you have been found guilty of crimes against Knowledge and against the Philosophe Knights. We have not ''failed to notice anything'', an angry parakeet. You have failed to understand *everything*." (10 minutes ago)
  • Mazu said "
Museum pieces, no matter the quantity, are all precious artifacts in their own right, and allowing them to be carted around as ''trophies'' is unacceptable. We first protected you as fellow gardeners of Knowledge, but you have since shed that title." (9 minutes ago)
  • Mazu said "
By discarding your past standards, you have severed this relationship. No longer are you fit to claim this Zoo as your own. We shall instate new men and women to guard this sanctuary and take up the cause." (9 minutes ago)
  • Mazu said "
As for you current denizens of the zoo, punishment must be delivered. Crimes can not go unanswered, lest we stoop to the level of common beasts and rabble. We will not forgo our quest. Praise Knowledge!" (9 minutes ago)
  • Hoodie Malloy said "Look at all the filthy animals . . ." (9 minutes ago)
  • Mazu killed an angry parakeet with a pistol. (8 minutes ago)
  • PENNYWlSE killed a rooster with a pistol. (8 minutes ago)
  • Communator killed Collosimo with a shotgun. (8 minutes ago)
  • Hoodie Malloy killed a chimpanzee with a shotgun. (7 minutes ago)
  • Duke D'oeuvre killed A velociraptor1 with a shotgun. (7 minutes ago)
  • Hoodie Malloy killed a female lion with a shotgun. (6 minutes ago)
  • Mazu killed Wade Cable with a fencing foil. (5 minutes ago)
  • Hoodie Malloy killed Zinnia Day with a pistol. (5 minutes ago)
  • MSilva killed PENNYWlSE with a pistol. (5 minutes ago)
  • Seekandyeshallfind killed MSilva with a shotgun. (5 minutes ago)
  • MSilva rose from the dead as a zombie. (5 minutes ago)
  • Triumph the Dog killed Mule of Kintyre with a pistol. (2 minutes ago)

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