Tue Feb 12 00:32:50 -0500 2013:
You are asleep.
You are Albert Schwanr+. You have 0 Action Points remaining.

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Enabled: colorizing, corpses + zombies, inventory combiner, HP colorizing.

Disabled: safe mode.

Currently using E:\My Documents\Urban dead\UDTool list.txt

Use Tools->UDTool to load or modify a list, or enable or disable features, etc.

Exhausted, you can go no further.

Following standard procedures, you press the syringe into the back of the zombie's neck and pump the glittering serum into its brain and spinal cord.

There is a thin pneumatic hiss, and the zombie staggers forward, limbs shuddering, before slumping to the floor as if dead. Hazel Court's skin shivers for a moment, and the contents of the syringe begin their slow, molecular work.

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You have run out of Action Points.

Action Points are restored at the rate of one every half hour - check back later in the day, or tomorrow, to continue.