Mon Feb 06 16:31:52 -0500 2012:

1 zombie
You are zach0162 and you are dead. You have 0 Hit Points and 1949 Experience Points. You have 11 Action Points remaining.

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You are lying outside a warehouse, a derelict metal-and-glass building with a spired roof. The building has been very strongly barricaded.

Lights are on inside. Thick snow covers the ground, with footprints entering from the north, and leading into the building.

Somebody has spraypainted B@o#**@*ts# onto a wall. The graffiti has been obscured by smears of gore.

Since your last turn:

  • 26.70 MHz: "Four zeds in Boutcher PD, survivors need FAK." (2 hours and 28 minutes ago)
  • 26.70 MHz: *crash* *static* *silence* (exactly 2 hours ago)
  • Barristan shot you with a pistol for 5 damage. (1 hour and 45 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again.
  • Barristan said "Zach, you are a pker. As punishment I must kill you. Let this be a lesson to everyone." (1 hour and 44 minutes ago)
  • Barristan said "Everyone, don't worry, I am a bounty hunter." (1 hour and 44 minutes ago)
  • Barristan stabbed you with a knife for 2 damage. (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)
  • You were killed by Barristan. (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)
  • Barristan dumped your body out onto the street. (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)

You are dead.

Possible actions: