Sat Jan 21 21:53:29 -0500 2012: null
Cpt christopher

2000|~4.6K XP

Stand up
Pitneybank [83,47]

7 zombies

1 zombie
World Map
You are lying outside St Benedict's Hospital, a fire-damaged white-stone building, its doorway flanked by statues. The building has been heavily barricaded - you can see no way to enter.

Lights are on inside. Thick snow covers the ground, with footprints entering from the north-west, north-east, west and south-east, and leaving to the south-east, south and west. Another set lead into the building.

Somebody has spraypainted Da%nit* @ev*r e*%ug% t@ **t %e free o# #*%@ @urs@% onto a wall. The graffiti has been obscured by smears of gore.

There is a group of seven zombies here.

There are two dead bodies here.

Since your last turn:

  • soundonr+ shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (1 hour and 51 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • soundonr+ shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (1 hour and 51 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • soundonr+ said "Ah come on. It was your turn to kill me." (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • soundonr+ shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • You were killed by soundonr+. (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • soundonr+ dumped your body out onto the street. (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)

Warning: You only have 1 moves left today.

In order to keep the server running smoothly and to prevent multi-character abuse, players are only allowed to hit the Urban Dead site 160 times from a single machine (or IP address), per day. Either:-

  • you've used your limit up yourself,
  • you're sharing a computer or a network with someone who's used up the IP address's limit, or
  • you're using an ISP (such as AOL) that reuses a very small range of IP addresses.
See the FAQ for a fuller explanation of this, and some workarounds if it's your ISP's problem.

You might like to use your last few turns to get this character to safety.

You are dead.

Possible actions: