Fri Jul 15 01:12:15 -0400 2011: 172 AP ruin!
Roywood [8-17]
You are Clyde Tombaugh and you are infected. You have 19 Hit Points and 33 Experience Points. You have 39 Action Points remaining.

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You are inside Meaden Bank. The vault lies open, its contents either looted or transferred. The building has been completely ransacked, and has fallen into ruin. The ceiling above you has collapsed, and a carpet of a thousand weeds reach towards the sky. The doors to the street have been secured.

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running.

Somebody has spraypainted a SMILEY FACE target on a zombie and impaled him onto a wall.

Since your last turn:

  • You lost 1HP to your infection.

You refuel the generator.

Possible actions:



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You are 48% encumbered.

(0 AP)