You are ZIPO3956. You have 60 Hit Points and 9405 Experience Points. You have 31 Action Points remaining. Next AP in 9m 1s. 50AP: 9h 9m 1s.  You have no safehouse set.
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You are inside St Linus's Hospital, dark corridors leading through abandoned wards. The building has been heavily barricaded. Also here are Donald Keppel (60 HP), Mad Doctor Caligari (50 HP), Doc Paggs (50 HP), Ovary Extractor (60 HP) and 00sly00 (47HP). A portable generator has been set up here. It is running. Somebody has spraypainted Keep EHB and powered! onto a wall. Since your last turn: - Doc Paggs healed you for 5 HP. (8 hours and 21 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again.
- a Tyrranosaurus shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (6 hours and 27 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (6 hours and 26 minutes ago) ...and again. (6 hours and 26 minutes ago) ...and again. (6 hours and 26 minutes ago)
- Karl Hess healed you for 5 HP. (5 hours and 41 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again.
- A flare was fired 4 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the north. (5 hours and 24 minutes ago)
- A flare was fired 1 block to the west and 1 block to the north. (5 hours and 23 minutes ago)
- Doc Paggs healed you for 5 HP. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 15 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 15 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 15 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 15 minutes ago)
- A flare was fired 11 blocks to the east and 10 blocks to the south. (32 minutes ago)
Possible actions: Inventory (click to use): Weapons | | Ammo | | Science | | Others | | You are 70% encumbered. |