Tue Sep 14 07:43:37 -0400 2010:
Richmond Hills (maps: wiki, DSS)

1 zombie

12 zombies

2 zombies

4 zombies

1 zombie

2 zombies
You are K27 and you are dead. You have 0 Hit Points and 3154 Experience Points. You have 40 Action Points remaining.

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Level: 43 (23s/20z)
XP: 2619
Class: Civilian
Joined: 2009-09-26 22:23:48

If you can read this, you're already too close.

Enabled: colorizing.

Disabled: safe mode, corpses + zombies, inventory combiner, HP colorizing.

Currently using C:\Documents and Settings\Jim\Desktop\UD.txt

Use Tools->UDTool to load or modify a list, or enable or disable features, etc.

You are lying outside St Mark's Hospital, a narrow grey-stone building with black crosses painted across its doors. The building has been very heavily barricaded - you can see no way to enter.

There are four zombies here.

There is a dead body here.

Since your last turn:

  • SmokyFart shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (9 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
  • SmokyFart said "Because." (9 minutes ago)
  • SmokyFart shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (9 minutes ago)
  • You were killed by SmokyFart. (9 minutes ago)
  • SmokyFart dumped your body out onto the street. (9 minutes ago)

You are dead.

Possible actions: