Old Arkham (maps: wiki, RR)

Max Fish

You are Sally A Summers and you are dead. You have 0 Hit Points and 279 Experience Points. You have 16 Action Points remaining.

Next AP in 9m 42s.
50AP: 16h 39m 42s.

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Level: 41 (22s/19z)
XP: 17933
Class: Scientist
Joined: 2006-11-02 14:57:13

A short, squat man with pebble glasses.

He has a rather crumpled looking Tinfoil Hat on his head.

Done (reload UD page to see changes)
You are inside Church Bank. The vault lies open, its contents either looted or transferred. With the lights out, you can hardly see anything. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here is Max Fish.

Since your last turn:

  • D M Penfold shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (54 minutes ago) ...and again.
  • D M Penfold shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (54 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (53 minutes ago) ...and again. (53 minutes ago) ...and again. (53 minutes ago) ...and again. (53 minutes ago)
  • D M Penfold bludgeoned you with a pumpkin for 2 damage. (53 minutes ago)
  • You were killed by D M Penfold. (53 minutes ago)

You are dead.

Possible actions: