You are Morgueasm. You have 60 Hit Points and 3557 Experience Points. You have 38 Action Points remaining.
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You are inside St George's Hospital, dark corridors leading through abandoned wards. The building has been very strongly barricaded. There is a crowd of 107 survivors gathered here. [list names]A portable generator has been set up here. It is running. One of the wards has been decorated with a cubist sculpture, a Greek tapestry, a French tapestry, a historical tapestry, a glass bowl, two mediaeval tapestries, a glass table, a dark tapestry, a faded tapestry and three glass vases. Somebody has spraypainted an orchard of oak trees./MCM,VSB++,No killing onto a wall. Since your last turn: - killermon122 said "im going to go zombie hunting be back soon" (3 hours and 10 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "pip needs fuel!" (3 hours and 9 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "Ok this is a continuation of my most wonderfull lecture series! 3 in a series of 1,686, please listen attentively! no questions will be answered with out the prerequisit cookie offering!" (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "this lecture is all about being nice and polite and how to be friendly in malton, *looks in to the crowd* which some of you need more than others!" (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "first off! dont be upset if you talk to someone and they dont talk back! some folk just aint the talking type! plus they might be sleeping!" (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "now if you say hi to someone and the say hi back thats a great start! (although just saying hi probably wont result in folk talking! i mean ask a question, comment on the rooms decor, say something other than hi!)" (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "introduce yourself! or if theres a convo already going on, chip in! it cant hurt! if you need directions or supplys then just ask! you learn a lot from asking and nothing by being quiet!" (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "that goes for when your a zombie too! and it will happen! get death rattle if only for the fun of it! BANANA GANGBANG AH NAH GANNA NAHM AH AR BRA!NZ ! and so forth!" (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "feel free to talk about anything! the weather, zombie hoards, mushrooms, whatever you want to! just be polite, dont swear cause you dont know the age of the person your talking to," (3 hours and 6 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "likewise nothing R rated either! this for one isnt funny and two you might end up on the ignore list and nobody like the kind of folk that end up on there! NOBODY!" (3 hours and 6 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "now we've had a lecture on the ignore list before, heed this! and heed it well!" (3 hours and 6 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "now if your met with unfriendlyness and some folk you meet in malton will be nicer than others, dont turn it into a slanging match! no one comes out of them looking good! you just look foolish getting into arguments over nothing!" (3 hours and 6 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "just walk away, head held high, dont pk them violence solves nothing (though gunz = funz) you might get reported to rogue gallery" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "and get pk'd inturn or the person might just pk you themselves! then it turns into a pointless war of Attrition" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "now i met some lovely folk in this very room (wipes a tear thinking about greylyn), i like to think its cause in nice but its more likely they just took pity on a poor lost rotter! anyways you notice i like to talk! heck most members of MCM like to talk!" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "most of the time its just rubbish but sometime (like this lecture) we say usefull things! so feel free to talk to us! ask any questions you may have about 10mfh, MCM, UD, AP, XP, weapons! anything! you learn through talking!" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "so as bob hoskins once said *its good to talk* thats one for all the brits out there! Rule Britainia!" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
- lagn said "Remind me why children would play a game like this and care what the people say?" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
- lagn said "Also, manners does not have to do completely with speech. There is ettiquite on how to properly use a banana, how to socialize with zombies, and how to treat a tree's acorns...." (2 hours and 56 minutes ago)
- GradyCharlton said "Hmm do you need to be a certain age to play...?" (2 hours and 48 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "people care about different things lagn, also if you paid attention my lecture was on speech and not actions!" (2 hours and 45 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "and as far as im aware there is no upper or indeed lower age limit" (2 hours and 45 minutes ago)
- GradyCharlton said "Ok.. I turned 13 not long ago, I am a addict to the internet and games, learning to script, hey new Metallica CD" (2 hours and 42 minutes ago)
- FuzzyWuzzie said "*points@GPS Unit and does his best Larry the Cable Guy impression* Dat's just plain funny rat dere... I don't care who you are. Dat's funny." (1 hour and 57 minutes ago)
- Monde said "Man, and I was looking forward to meeting the captain. Shows what I miss when I'm out of the building." (1 hour and 56 minutes ago)
- Monde said "Out of curiosity, does that sculpture look weirdly like Jayne Mansfield or have I just been in Malton too long?" (1 hour and 55 minutes ago)
- Garwalla said "i think it is jayne mansfield. encades in cay. sand head of course" (1 hour and 2 minutes ago)
- Garwalla said "encased in clay. I have lost the ability to talk. Must be the pimms" (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
- mighty oak said "muppet!" (54 minutes ago)
- Mere Bystander said "Pippard is in need of fuel for their generator! If you have a spare can, then please help them out! Thank you!" (43 minutes ago)
- Monde said "Yeah, of course. Having the head still on would just be weird." (36 minutes ago)
- Monde said "Any ideas on why there's a jobahan and a Joba Han here? What a coincidence." (33 minutes ago)
- coreyd said "hey guys and girls" (24 minutes ago)
- William Schneider said "Ahoy Coreyd" (8 minutes ago)
- mighty oak said "hmmm made on the same day too! please read and heed this" (8 minutes ago)
- Nellie Harmon said "*gets out violin and plays a sad song*" (5 minutes ago)
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