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Iwitness data from INSIDE 31-71,
09-22-08_23:56:26 Malton Time.

Record ID: 70f-a45-fdb
Security: PRIVATE
Witness comment: none given
Witness name: mighty oak

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You are inside St George's Hospital, dark corridors leading through abandoned wards. The building has been very strongly barricaded. There is a crowd of 108 survivors gathered here. [list all names]

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 27.72 MHz. One of the wards has been decorated with a cubist sculpture, a Greek tapestry, a French tapestry, a historical tapestry, a glass bowl, two mediaeval tapestries, a glass table, a dark tapestry, a faded tapestry and three glass vases.

Somebody has spraypainted Malton College of Medicine; no killing; VSB++ onto a wall.

Since your last turn:

  • A zombie brought down the last of the barricades. (59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-east. (59 minutes ago)
  • AngelicChaos began to rebuild the barricades, using a vending machine. (59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the south-west. (59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-west. (59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured to the north-east. (59 minutes ago)
  • A zombie gestured at the ceiling. (59 minutes ago)
  • Violet Begonia said "oops, I was trying to hit the barricades, and instead hit the person who was overcading... Christopher Delay seems to have few bullet holes in him... good for XP for new students, he's although not for much else." (50 minutes ago)
  • jpmontoya said "Dance for us Captain, dance..." (45 minutes ago)
  • XonixLS said "'Cades at vsb" (43 minutes ago)
  • Violet Begonia said "CAPTAIN!!!!! *gestures to the southeast* *gestures to the southwest* *gestures to the northwest* *gestures to the northeast* **gestures to the sky* *gestures to the Captain* *gestures to self* *hugs the Captain*" (42 minutes ago)
  • FuzzyWuzzie said "\0/" (42 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "*pets the dancing zombie* hmm, might as well get started" (41 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "Good day, everyone. Being an engineering student before the quarantine, the construction of barricades is an issue quite dear to my heart. My lecture today will consist of several parts- why barricades, What you need for barricading, maintaining" (40 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "barricades ,what to do when barricades fall. Why barricade? the simple answer is, to keep zombies out. For all their strength and endurance, zombies do not seem to have evolved the dexterity needed to climb a wall of old furniture. Barricades have" (40 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "been proven to be the most effective tool in preventing zombie break-ins. Now, how do we throw up a barricade? First, let's assume you're an inexperienced survivor, new to the streets of malton. Usually, the Construction skill is needed to" (40 minutes ago)
  • Feisty Old Granny said "Students - Super Six One is at 30/60. He is getting blood all over the floor and unless one of you bandages him up, you are going to have to clean up that mess, so get on it!" (40 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "omg i miss allot , so wats crackin" (40 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "create a barricade-however, if you can find a 'Length of Pipe' from a factory or warehouse, you can use that to create the crudest of barricades. Simply lodge the pipe across the entrance of the building you're in. This constitudes a 'Loose'" (39 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "barricade (more on barricade levels later) - it can only stand up to a couple of smashes from a zombie, but it is much better than no barricade. Once a survivor learns the art of" (39 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "construction, (s)he can create much more sturdy barriers! Barricades can be constucted of many different materials, determined by the type of building you're securing. Find the sturdiest unused furniture, machinery, etc, and place it across" (39 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "the entrance of the building. As you repeat this process, the buiding's 'barricade level' will rise . Note that if construction of barricades progresses beyond 'Very strongly' ('VSB'), survivors will no longer be able to enter or exit via the" (39 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "main entrance- this is referred to as 'overcading'. Experienced survivors will be able to enter by leaping from an adjacent building with the Free Running skill, and anyone can still leave by moving to an adjacent block. Note that the chance" (39 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "of successfully reinforcing a barricade drops as the barricade strength increases, due to there being less space avaliable to insert more barricade components. Below VSB, barricade reinforcements are virtually guauranteed(~99%) to be successful." (39 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "After that, the success rate steadily drops. Extremely heavy barricades may take up to 5 tries to properly reinforce. Let's take a break, refreshments are located at the back of the lecture hall." (38 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "yes granny" (38 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "granny , super six one is good as new" (33 minutes ago)
  • GioV killed Joe Gilmore. (31 minutes ago)
  • Feisty Old Granny said "Thank you corey, I do appreciate your attending to him. And Alvy, that was a very nice lecture, and quite instructuve :) *resumes knitting*" (30 minutes ago)
  • Feisty Old Granny said "Was that Joe falling on the floor? My, some people just can't hold their liquor." (29 minutes ago)
  • Capt Rick Grimes said "Four wounded survivors and 6 zombies inside Club Doran. Lights out. Most of the zeds are rotters." (29 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "omg we dont pk here" (28 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "Welcome back. Now that we know how to construct barricades, the next question is: how strong should barricades be? Most 'Resource point' buildings, especially hospitals and police stations, should be no higher than VSB such that inexperienced" (27 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "survivors can access resources. Most non-resource buildings, however, are extremely heavily barricaded to provide safehouse for more veteran survivors. Please refer to your local barricade plan for information on the recommended barricade" (27 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "status of the building you're in. *passes out phamplets-* fire axes and crowbars are recommended for removing overbarricades." (27 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "Onto the last section! What to do when barricades fall? If there are no zombies, or a single zombie, quickly repair the barricades, to prevent more zombie guests, then remove the zombie (A reminder not to kill any dancing zombies that may frequent" (27 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "this hospital). Multiple zombies in a building are able to interfere with barricading- so, remove them before repairing the barricade, or risk wasting your AP. Of course, if the break-in is severe enough in zombie numbers, heal whoever you can and" (27 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "run away! live to fight another day, and save the revive for someone else! This concludes my barricade construction 101 spiel =) somebody wake up the sleeping students!" (26 minutes ago)
  • Primo Beer said "*picks up Morgy and runs to the pool....jumps into the air...*....wooohooo....*splash*" (25 minutes ago)
  • Feisty Old Granny said "It's ok corey, he tried to kill the dean earlier. I am sure he will have learned his lesson and no one will have to fall over again any time soon, isn't that right Giov?" (25 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "well in that case t bag the basterd" (24 minutes ago) ...and again. (23 minutes ago)
  • Alvy Fang said "hmm, what can we do to a zombie that isnt scan/revive/kill? *scratches head* that is, other than carrying on a conversation..." (23 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "dance *gestures to the good captian*" (21 minutes ago)
  • Violet Begonia said "Well, I can't say I'm sorry to see him go, especially since he shot me down to 8 HP before he ran low on AP. However, you really shouldn't kill people here, GioV. I understand that you mean well. Let's try and keep the safety on, okay?" (20 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "now before any one yells at me *walks to bath room plops a bar of soap in mouth*" (16 minutes ago) ...and again. (15 minutes ago)
  • Violet Begonia said "*chuckles at coreyd* It's okay, corey, I agree with your assesment of his character. Do try to not use that language in the future if you can, however. *passes him a brownie* Put that in your mouth instead, and it'll work just like the soap, but is yummy!" (10 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "*smiles* if you insist" (9 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "" (5 minutes ago)
  • GioV said "No problem at all guys :)" (4 minutes ago)
  • Life's A Bitch killed a zombie. (2 minutes ago)
  • coreyd said "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" (1 minute ago)
  • coreyd said "why must he die" (16 seconds ago)


108 humans

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