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You are inside the Serrell Building. The NecroTech logo is set in the wall behind the front desk, and doors open onto powered-down computer rooms and laboratories. The doors to the street have been secured. Also here are Czxx (30HP), 789456123qwertyuiop (50HP), Bobby the Hatchet (60HP), PastyGeeky (60HP) and Lunar Aphelion (60HP).

Somebody has spraypainted Brain Rot revive clinic closed by THE GORE CORPS! onto a wall.

There is a lone zombie here.

There is a dead body here.

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Inventory [44/51 weight] (click to use):

on (10AP)

You are 100% encumbered.

(0 AP)


5 humans
1 zombie

You are globule13. You have 40 Hit Points and 14563 Experience Points. You have 40 Action Points remaining.

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