Greentown (maps: wiki, RR)

ken snow UberGriff Boots the Monkey sheepboy68122 MP FangTobi ...
1 zombie

You are linkthewindow. You have 60 Hit Points and 780 Experience Points. You have 13 Action Points remaining. (18.5 hours to 50 AP) (~22 to home (19E21N))

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You are inside St George's Hospital, dark corridors leading through abandoned wards. The building has been very strongly barricaded (8-10). There is a crowd of 88 survivors gathered here. [list names]

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running, and powering a radio transmitter that's currently set to 28.73 MHz.

Somebody has spraypainted MCM lecture Do Not Kill Our Zombie Guests Tonight onto a wall.

There is a lone zombie here.

Since your last turn:

  • Dillon Miller said "Congratulations, Valere! You couldn't ask for better company!" (2 hours and 21 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Kittentits ) brought down the last of the barricades. (1 hour and 53 minutes ago)
  • Violet Begonia began to rebuild the barricades, using a wheelchair. (1 hour and 52 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Barhah MGM! Barhah B!arazh! Ahm Ghra!zharh zah Banana-bra!n, z!ng-zah-arh ah zah Marrh Zahrh. Z!z -!z mah nammah harman-gabbarh, Ambarh." (1 hour and 51 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "Barhah MCM! Barhah Violet! (this is) Cloister the Stupid, Thing Doer of the Mall Tour 2009. (I am) his lovely interpreter." (1 hour and 51 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "-!n zah h!zarah ah Marhzan, mannah z!ngz hab zhabh Marhzan. Mannah arh bah zambahz." (1 hour and 51 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "In the history of Malton, there have been many events that have shaped the entire city. The majority of these are started by zombie players." (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "-!n Zah-Zahzan-an-Z!gz, gam zah Marrh Zahrh Zah-Zahzan-an-Z!gz, ahzarh zah zaghzazz ah zah b!g zrh!gh ah Hazgamb Bargh. -!n ahn manz, arrh!z gangz anzarh zah Marrh Zahrh bannarh zmazh hra!ghzaan ah zah marrhz -!n Marhzan." (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "In 2006 came the first big event, Mall Tour 2006. It was formed after the success of the great strike at Whetcombe Park. In a single month, allied groups under the Mall Tour banner destroyed 18 of the 20 malls of Malton." (1 hour and 50 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Zan, zah B!g Bazh, ah m!ghzah zaam-rahrrarh maga-zambah-gang, zmazh!ng zabarbz ahh abarh Marhzan. Namm!ng ahh zah harmanz, zah Bazh -!z ahn-zmazh-abarh." (1 hour and 49 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "Later the same year The Big Bash was formed, a mighty steamroller of a mega-horde, crushing suburbs all over Malton. Sweeping all before them, the Bash was unstoppable." (1 hour and 49 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Zan zah Bazh bagaam zah Marrh Zahrh Zah-Zahzan-an-Zabban. Z!z Marrh Zahrh nahm n!nzaan marrhz!" (1 hour and 49 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "It was absorbed by the next large event, Mall Tour 2007. It beat the total set by its predecessor, wrecking 19 malls." (1 hour and 48 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Zah Zagan B!g Bazh arzah gam -!n Zah-zahzan-an-zabban. Z!z B!g Bazh zmazh maarh zan harh zah zabarbz -!n Marhzan an nahm zah manz-rahng Z!zh ah G!zz!ngz Marrh -!n Zhanararah Zah-zahzan-an-hra!gh." (1 hour and 48 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "Late in 2007 the fourth event, The Second Big Bash was formed. It trashed over 50 suburbs and won the month long Siege of Giddings Mall in January 2008." (1 hour and 47 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Zah harmanz gan zaa maarh abahz z!z ahhzam habban!ngz an zah Ahrban Zambahz H!gh!. Zah amaz!ng, zah ARRH hab H!zarh!gharh zazzah." (1 hour and 47 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "You can read more about these great events on the Urban Dead Wiki. Such was their impact, all achieved Historical status." (1 hour and 47 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Ahzarh zah Zahgan B!g Bazh, Marhzan gah ZZZZZ. Zah, -!n zah anz ah Zah-zahzan-an-hra!gh, Zah Marrh Zahrh!z Bahrh ganna zhanzh zah. Ahz zambahz magh zah Marrh Zahrh Zah-zahzan-an-n!nh." (1 hour and 47 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "After The Second Big Bash disbanded, there was a lull in Malton, a quiet had descended across the city. In late 2008 The Mall Tourist Board decided to change that. We concieved the Mall Tour 2009." (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Nah ahz zambahz hab zmazh ARABHAN Marrhz an ganna zmazh MAARH." (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "So far we have completely ruined 11 of Malton's malls and are currently heading towards more." (1 hour and 46 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Arrh zah habban!ngz ambhaz!z ha!rhbrah an habbah harmanz an zambahz. Zh!z!ng maghz zah harmanz an zah zambahz gah GRRRRRH! Zah habban!ngz arh hra zah habb!nazz ah arrh zah mambarz ah zah gaam, b zah harmanz ahrh zambahz." (1 hour and 45 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "All the events have emphasised fairplay and fun. Cheating on either side has always been met with backlash from both sides. The events are for the enjoyment of all players, no matter how they choose to play." (1 hour and 45 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Naa zah harmanz gnahz zah baz!gh h!zzarah ah z!z ahhzam mahmanz -!n Marhzan. Gham an b -!n zah Marrh Zahrh!" (1 hour and 45 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "Now you know the basic history of these defining moments of Malton, I invite you to join us!" (1 hour and 44 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Marrh Zahrh Zah-zahzan-an-n!nh -!z hra zambahz, harman-bang-bangarhz, an hahrab zambahz. Grab gahnz, ahrh zhambh hram ah harman-barn an zhambarh. Gham b -!n zah ahhzam Marrh Zahrh hra -!z ma!n raazan--hra habb!nazz!" (1 hour and 44 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "Mall Tour 2009 accepts zombies, PKers and death cultists! Gather ammunition and come with us, or jump from a building and shamble with our unstoppable zethren. Take part in this massive event for its primary reason, for fun!" (1 hour and 44 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) said "Barhah MGM!" (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "Barhah MCM!" (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)
  • A zombie ( Cloister the Stupid ) gestured to the south. (1 hour and 43 minutes ago)
  • Xaphriel revivified a zombie. (1 hour and 38 minutes ago)
  • Xaphriel said "Hmm, just saw that sign now... Does reviving count as killing? Cos if so... Whoops" (1 hour and 37 minutes ago)
  • Biker Nun said "Yes. We're done with our lecture now though. Just don't dump the body until KT decides on what she's going to do, please." (1 hour and 35 minutes ago)
  • Kittentits stood up. (1 hour and 35 minutes ago)
  • Kittentits said "Huh? Wha? Where..." (1 hour and 34 minutes ago)
  • Kittentits said "HOLY SHIT, A ZOMBIE!" (1 hour and 34 minutes ago)
  • 28.73 MHz: "13 zeds crashing the barcades@ PIPPARD BUILDING S.Blythville" (11 minutes ago)

Possible actions:


Inventory (click to use):

2 x  on  (10AP)
3 x
2 x
(27.73 MHz)
4 x

You are 112% encumbered.

(0 AP)